Engagement Ring Keychains


Engagement Ring Keychains

engagement ring keychains

    engagement ring

  • A ring given by a man to a woman when they agree to marry
  • Especially in Western cultures, an engagement ring is a ring indicating that the person wearing it is engaged to be married. In the United Kingdom, and North America, engagement rings are traditionally worn only by women, and rings can feature gemstones.
  • The Engagement Ring (B?xt Uzuyu) is a full-length Azerbaijani comedy film released in 1991. The film plot is based on the same-titled novel by Azerbaijani writer Vagif Samadoghlu.
  • a ring given and worn as a sign of betrothal


  • A keychain or key chain is a small chain, usually made from metal or plastic, that connects a small item to a keyring. The length of a keychain allows an item to be used more easily than if connected directly to a keyring.
  • (Keychain (Mac OS)) Keychain is Apple Inc.’s password management system in Mac OS. It was introduced with Mac OS 8.6, and has been included in all subsequent versions of Mac OS, including Mac OS X.
  • (keychain) A chain or ring to which a key may be attached; An ornamental piece holding such a chain or ring

engagement ring keychains – Favors &

Favors & Gifts by Kateaspen- 1 Of RSVP "With this Ring" Engagement Ring Keychain in Blue Gift Box
Favors & Gifts by Kateaspen- 1 Of RSVP "With this Ring" Engagement Ring Keychain in Blue Gift Box
Based in Duluth (Atlanta) Georgia (USA), Kate Aspen is a designer and manufacturer of favors for weddings, baby showers, birthdays, anniversaries, and all life events! Our favors are renowned because they are practical, affordably priced, and beautifully packaged. Kate Aspen have designed something for every kind of bride – from traditional to whimsical and everyone in between.
Not only are our products unique, they play a small, yet lovely, part in life’s happiest occasions and for that we are honored that you chose- RSVP “With this Ring” Engagement Ring Keychain in Blue Gift Box to play such a privileged role.

Eye-catching, oversized, chrome engagement ring with large faux “diamond” and several key ring hoops. Ring measures approximately 2 1/4″ h x 1 1/4″ in diameter. 12-Pack measures 7 1/2″ h x 5 A?/8″ w x 3″ d. Enjoy!!

Keychain cousins

Keychain cousins
My two keychain cameras, as viewed with a much more technologically superior camera, the Nex 3. Top is the "hipstreet" one from futureshop, bottom is a Bell&Howell i picked up on ebay.

Love them both.

Day 86/365 – Engagement Eiffel

Day 86/365 - Engagement Eiffel
Two years ago today Steve proposed to me on the Tour Eiffel. Consequently, when you look at my engagement ring from the side, it looks like the Tower!

And its Shana’s birthday, happy bday sis!

engagement ring keychains

engagement ring keychains

Favors & Gifts by Kateaspen- 96 Of "With This Ring" Engagement Ring Keychain
Based in Duluth (Atlanta) Georgia (USA), Kate Aspen is a designer and manufacturer of favors for weddings, baby showers, birthdays, anniversaries, and all life events! Our favors are renowned because they are practical, affordably priced, and beautifully packaged. Kate Aspen have designed something for every kind of bride – from traditional to whimsical and everyone in between.
Not only are our products unique, they play a small, yet lovely, part in life’s happiest occasions and for that we are honored that you chose- “With This Ring” Engagement Ring Keychain to play such a privileged role.

Sparkling from every facet, this beautiful crystal “diamond” is a stunning, oversize replica of the real thing, with enough expertly designed details to turn heads! As you’ve probably guessed, these exquisite engagement-ring key chains make excellent bridesmaids favors and gifts for bridal shower guests? Features and facts: Chrome ring includes several key chain hoops Showcase “ring” box with sheer white, organza bow and matching “For You” tag. Enjoy!!